Requests to nandbox Bot API are sent as JSON objects over a WebSocket session. In order to connect to the server, you need to obtain an authentication token first.

Bot Server WebSocket URL format

The first request over the WebSocket method must be an authentication request.
Examples of an authentication request.
Examples of an authentication request.
{ "method": "TOKEN_AUTH", "rem": "true", "token": "90091784056528980:0:odIgBOQZ4lVpqSIuxpQlGzmse3hwsS" }
public static final String TOKEN = "90091784169275314:0:h8UbS2NPBocFGQ58U2yheNBp3LUQe1"; public class MyFirstBot { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { NandboxClient client = NandboxClient.get(); client.connect(TOKEN, new Nandbox.Callback() { Nandbox.Api api = null; @Override public void onConnect(Api api) { // it will go here if the bot connected to server successfuly System.out.println("Authenticated"); this.api = api; } @Override public void onReceive(IncomingMessage incomingMsg) { // it will go here if the bot received any message } // implement other nandbox.Callback() as per your bot need . }); } }
// put your provided token const TOKEN = "<PUT_YOUR_PROVIDED_TOKEN>"; const config = { URI: "<PUT_YOUR_PROVIDED_URI>", DownloadServer: "<PUT_YOUR_PROVIDED_DOWNLOAD_SERVER_URL>", UploadServer: "<PUT_YOUR_PROVIDED_UPLOAD_SERVER_URL>" } var client = NandBoxClient.get(config); var nandbox = new NandBox(); var nCallBack = nandbox.Callback; var api = null; nCallBack.onConnect = (_api) => { // it will go here if the bot connected to the server successfully api = _api; console.log("Authenticated"); sendBotMenuWithNavigationButton(Nand.BOT_ID); } client.connect(TOKEN, nCallBack);
CONFIG_FILE = "/config.json" f = open(CONFIG_FILE) config = json.load(f) f.close() client = NandboxClient.get(config) nandbox = Nandbox() napi = nandbox.Api() class nCallBack(nandbox.Callback): def on_connect(self, api): global napi napi = api print("Authenticated") callBack = nCallBack() client.connect(config['Token'], callBack)
After the bot is successfully authenticated, it can send further responses.
After the bot is successfully authenticated, it can send further responses.
{ "method": "TOKEN_AUTH_OK", "name": "Hello World”, Bot", "ID": "90091784056528980", "reference": 15269906159119, "date": 1533216558322 }