Use this method to send a contact. On success, the sent message is returned.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
method | String | Yes | "sendContact" |
chat_id | String | Yes | Unique identifier for the target Chat or User_id. |
phone_number | String | Yes | Phone number |
name | String | Yes | Contact name |
disable_web_page_preview | Boolean | Optional | Disables link previews for links in this message |
disable_notification | Boolean | Optional | Sends the message silently: users will receive a notification with no sound. |
reply_to_message_id | String | Optional | Unique identification for the original parent message if the message is a reply. |
reference | Long | Yes | Unique local identifier for the target Chat or User. |
to_user_id | String | Optional | Unique identifier of the target user if a user replies or sends a message to the target user within a Group or Channel. |
echo | Integer | Optional | 1= repeat message
0= no echo |
menu_ref | String | Optional | Menu reference for an existing predefined menu: the menu will be displayed as an inline menu associated with the message. |
inline_menu | Array of Menu | Optional | Inline menu object to hold menus: if both inline_menu and menu_ref are defined, the priority goes to inline_menu. |
chat_settings | Integer | Optional | 1: if you want to send to bot chat settings |
json{ "method": "sendContact", "chat_id": "35841110254788965", "reference": 16350635381030, "name": "Adam Harley" }
java// SEND CONTACT else if (incomingMsg.getText().toLowerCase().equals("contact")) { ContactOutMessage contactMsg = new ContactOutMessage(); contactMsg.setChatId(incomingMsg.getChat().getId()); contactMsg.setReference(Utils.getUniqueId()); contactMsg.setName("KFC"); contactMsg.setPhoneNumber("19019"); api.send(contactMsg); }
javascriptlet contactOutMsg = new ContactOutMessage(); contactOutMsg.chat_id =; contactOutMsg.reference = Id; = "KFC"; contactOutMsg.phoneNumber = "19019"; api.sendContact(, contactOutMsg.phoneNumber, );
json{ "method": "message", "message": { "date": 1600168078602, "reference": 2097, "chat": { "name": "Alice Park", "id": "90089668723575679", "terminal": "Mobile", "type": "Contact", "version": "('0HNt','1QBk','2c2H','31RN')" }, "sent_to": { "id": "90091903321704167" }, "message_id": "i1_CD11KwDr126551", "style": 6, "from": { "name": "Alice Park", "id": "90089668723575679", "terminal": "Mobile", "type": "Contact", "version": "('0HNt','1QBk','2c2H','31RN')" }, "text": "Hello", "type": "text" } }